Why Electrician is a Great Career Choice

Why Electrician is a Great Career Choice In today’s world, electricity is the lifeblood of our civilization. From the lights that illuminate our homes to the complex systems that power our industries, a skilled electrician’s work is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. But beyond the essential service they provide, a career as an electrician offers a multitude...

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5 Signs You Need to Call an Electrician RIGHT NOW

5 Signs You Need to Call an Electrician RIGHT NOW Are you wondering if you there are signs you need to call an electrician immediately?  Without a properly running electrical system, you won’t be able to watch TV, charge your devices, go online, or stream your favorite shows.  How scary is the thought of a day without electricity?  Your house...

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There May Be a Torch in Your Home

CSST Dangers in Cleveland, Ohio DO YOU HAVE A HIDDEN TORCH IN YOUR HOUSE? (40 second safety MUST READ) Picture this… It’s raining…You’re at home. You hear a loud BOOM! 💥💥 One of your children are holding something that just sparked…then seconds later you hear your other child screaming from upstairs, “Fire! Fire! Fire in the attic!!” 🔥🔥 This all too common...

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Are You Ready For Summer?

March 15, 2018

Are You Ready For Summer?

Preparing Your Electrical For Summer in NE Ohio Spring is here, are you ready for what’s coming ahead? Are you ready to start preparing your electrical for the Summer months? After everything thaws out and the air conditioners ramp up, all kinds of issues arise. Here are 5 Spring Preparedness Tips that you will thank yourself later for doing before...

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Planning Your Home Theater Design: 6 Considerations

As the winter weather sets in, you will likely be spending more and more time indoors. Of course, you will need something to pass the time. Many people have turned to creating a home theater design in their house. However, many of those same people have made a major mistake when it came to proper home theater planning. Here we...

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Residential Electrical Services: 4 Signs You’ve Chosen Wisely

As a homeowner, it’s inevitable you will find yourself in need of calling an electrician. But whether it’s a known and planned-for endeavor or an emergency service, choosing the right company for residential electrical services can be overwhelming. Several names pop up in Google searches, many have testimonials and references from happy customers and none of them seem too different...

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How to Choose an Electrical Services Company

When you experience an electrical issue in your home or at your business, you want it fixed fast and you want it fixed right. If you don’t already have an electrician on speed dial, you will likely turn to Google. But how do you know the company you click on will be a reputable electrical services company and provide reliable...

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Generator Installation: 3 Myths Busted

Do you live in a part of the country where heat is necessary more than a few nights a year? Do you have food in your refrigerator or freezer you would like to keep should you experience a power outage? Do you run a business where time is money and electricity is needed to get the work done? These are...

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Are You Keeping Up with the Electrical Maintenance of Your Home?

After a long week at work, the last thing you want to do is electrical maintenance on your home, right? Understandable. But, unfortunately, proper maintenance is a must to keep your family safe. Deficient electrical wiring and aging appliances—or improper installation of either—could put the inhabitants of your home at risk. Additionally, it could lower the resale value of your...

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What are the Concerns About Knob & Tube Wiring?

The charm of an early 1900s house is sometimes undeniable—and irresistible. Whether you are living in one now or hope to buy one soon, you may have one big concern on your mind: the home still has knob and tube wiring. Here we discuss the pros and cons of knob and tube wiring. But first, what is knob and tube...

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Lower Your Cleveland Electric Bill with These 11 Tips

Cable, internet, gas, water, sewer and electric. Whether you rent or own your home, utility bills can stack up quickly, becoming expensive and even overwhelming. But there is something you can do. Read on for tips to lower your Cleveland electric bill. How to Lower Your Cleveland Electric Payment FOR FREE Line Dry Your Laundry (While You Can) True, Cleveland...

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Air Conditioning

April 19, 2016

Air Conditioning

Summer is almost here and outages and brown-outs are prevalent. Despite us harping on the same tune of much needed surge protection due to these factors, we are reaching out for something more valuable—air conditioning! For over a decade, customers have contacted us questioning if we work on AC units. Central air conditioning units are 80% electrical and 20% gas...

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Surge Protection Devices

February 6, 2016

Surge Protection Devices

  The Basics of Why Your Home Needs Whole House Surge Protectors After months of thinking, we’ve finally came up with the easiest way to explain why you need a whole house surge protector. Commercial buildings install them without us requiring them to get a course on electronics, electrical engineering and proper equipment protection—they have experienced once or twice in...

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AFCI Breakers

February 4, 2015

AFCI Breakers

Although to most customers AFCI breakers are a new thing, they’ve actually have been around for over a decade. Arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCI’s) were introduced as a Code requirement in 1999. Many electrical contractors, inspectors and electricians were much against this being in the Code since it was going to generate lots of call backs due to nuisance tripping—and...

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Emergency Electrical Service

Have you ever experienced half the power to your home not working? For many, the first thought is to call your local electrical contractor to come out and give you emergency electrical service—especially when the furnace is off at frigid temperatures! Whenever you experience this sort of failure, your first call for help should be your electrical service provider. For...

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Lighting Overloads

December 1, 2014

Lighting Overloads

Christmas is never Christmas without lighting the tree and your home. Do you have sufficient power to supply your 100 feet of rope lighting and not generate a lighting overload? Do you know how to calculate when a breaker will trip or a fuse will blow? Here is a simple formula that will help you with many problems experienced mainly...

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Electrical Fires

November 1, 2014

Electrical Fires

Every year, AC Electric gets hundreds of service calls about dimming lights when a certain appliance is turned on (also known in the electrical industry as brown-outs); arcing noises coming from within the meter base outside or the electrical panel; or partial loss of power. Our experience with these calls have primarily concluded the service was undersized. Although your home...

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Security Lights

October 1, 2014

Security Lights

Halloween is a time for the kids to come out and enjoy themselves by dressing up in their favorite costumes. Let’s do our part by ensuring the lights are on after dark. Check your home’s security lights to make sure the bulbs work; and, that you’re not wasting energy by maintaining a good working photocontrol on your fixtures. Security lights...

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