AC Electric is proud to make the statement that we are truly a 24—7 Emergency Service Electrical Contractor! Whether the temperature is 10° below 0, or you have a downed service at 1:30am, we have been there to assist you in your time of urgent need. We put a lot of work into ensuring you can reach us when you really need an electrician. On extremely rare instances will you get an answering machine; and, if you do—leave a message and we will contact you within 15 minutes. If after a second attempt you get an answering machine, we will give you 10% off your service call!

AC Electric understands your concerns when it comes to needing an electrician—finding one you can trust is one thing; but fining one in the middle of the night?! Charles Lytle from Family Life Center experienced firsthand our service when he called us at 2:45am because of a power failure. Although we didn’t come out at that time, we were able to offer him advice over the phone on how to take preliminary steps to neutralize any dangers which may have been present. Not to say we were not available to
handle his issue at that time; but, the equipment he needed to get his system up and running was not available at those hours.

During Hurricane Sandy we were first on site when the electric company could not make it due to being short staffed. An electrician was made available to resolve the downed power lines within one hour of the first call! Needless to say, we had two more service vehicles in the area repairing downed lines (eight in total on Cleveland’s East and West sides).
On another occasion a customer in Cleveland Heights contacted us about their furnace, which wouldn’t come on. After calling over twenty companies, they reached us. Within one hour a service technician was at their home resolving the electrical problem (wire shorting against the metal frame of the furnace). Resolving their electrical emergency is one of the many services we offer; seeing the worry leave the customer’s face is the main reason we’re here!
At AC Electric we are constantly looking for better ways to serve you. We would like to ask any customers in which we have serviced their requests on an emergency call basis to leave a review for others to share the experience. NE Ohio will undoubtedly encounter another winter storm which will wreak havoc on your electrical equipment; and, we’ll be by the phone ready to serve. Your reviews will give them the proper guidance in seeking the most reliable and trustworthy electrical service technicians NE Ohio has to offer.